Tuesday, February 01, 2005

02.01.05 - Life Update

It seems to me that I should start writing these earlier in the day and that if I were to do so, I might actually have something more cogent, if not concise to say. Today is one of my long days at school. I got up early this morning to take the kids to school so that they could have breakfast at school. Normally I’d feed them at home but this morning Cher has an interview at 10am after working all night. So, we sent Jade and Mackenzie to Paul and Jen’s house last night. Hopefully Cher will be able to get at least a little sleep today.

We’re working on Oedipus Rex in my theatre class this week. You know, it’s that ancient tragedy by Sophocles about man who kills his father and then marries his mother and fathers several children by her despite being told by an oracle, and despite his conscious effort not to, that he will kill his father and marry his mother. Not light stuff, but good none the less. We’ll also probably spend some time working on our group productions. I was amused to observe during the picking of the groups for this project that little has changed since high school – I was still the last one picked(though it used to be for sports;-)).

The amusing thing about it was that, in this case, I think I got picked last because I’m older than everyone else in the class which, from my perspective is hilarious. Of course they couldn’t possibly know that I can do everything required to produce a 10 minute play. Chuckle, kids… Oh well, the group that was “forced” to pick me will benefit from my experience. I had forgotten about the egos inherent in any group effort. I think the productions will be fun.

Microeconomics and Psychology II fill up the rest of my day. The instructor for micro is hilarious and very easy to understand. The psych guy is very nice but frequently seems way “out there”. People keep telling me that psychologists are all that way, I suppose they could be right. I prefer to think that, much like the rest of us, they are just people trying like hell to relate to the world around them. Although, I would postulate that psychologists maybe work a little harder at it than the rest of us.

Does anyone else out there HATE laptop keyboards? My thumb keeps tapping the mouse pad and when I finally look back down at my screen, I see that I’ve been typing merrily in a paragraph several lines above where I intended to. Cut-and-paste! I suppose they make those roll up laptop keyboards, perhaps I’ll try one.

My butt and right leg have gone numb from sitting here Indian-style typing this post. It’s getting to be about time to go to class. I’m listening to the musical Chess of which I am very fond. Musicals marry two things which I adore, music and theatre.

I’m still trying to decided what to double major in – Theatre or Music(Guitar). Theatre is demanding in the extreme with regards to time and I’m not certain I’m willing to commit that much time to school and divert it from my kids. Music, on the other hand, is significantly more demanding technically but I could practice at home. To be honest, as technically intimidating as it is, I’m leaning towards guitar.

LMAO, this is a freaking novella! Oh well, enjoy!



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